Windows RT tends to quiet enthusiasts | Wayan Fais

Windows RT tends to quiet enthusiasts

Windows RT tends to quiet enthusiasts

Microsoft has officially launched Windows 8 operating system , on Friday ( 26/10/2012 )Unlike previous versions of Windows that has many versions , Windows 8 only has three versions .The three versions are Windows 8 , Windows 8 Pro , and Windows RT .
Than three , Windows RT called the most confusing . Why ? Because in the market even more tablets that use Windows 8 instead of Windows RT . The reason , many vendors think that x86 tablets running Windows 8 is more desirable because users can install any Windows-based program .
While ARM -based tablets running Windows RT enthusiasts tend to be quiet because they still lack the ecosystem has to offer . Luckily it was not valid in Windows Phone 8 which has proven quite widely used by today's smartphones .
Sources of Microsoft itself admits the use of the Windows RT tends to confuse consumers . It is also recognized consequence of the dominance of Windows 8 tablets are finally covering Windows RT .
" We think there is some confusion in the market to distinguish between RT Surface ( Windows RT ) and Surfece Pro ( Windows 8 ) , " said Jack Cowett , Product Manager Microsoft Surface , as quoted from The Verge , Monday ( 14/10/2013 ) .
Finally Microsoft has also decided to remove the designation RT on its ARM version of Windows a few days ago . The problem is , with the loss of designation RT on ARM Windows version called instead will grow a new problem . Prospective buyers would be hard to differentiate which tablet Windows 8 x86 and which version of Windows 8 ARM tablets .
This condition is exacerbated by the large number of computer vendors such as Dell , Lenovo , Asus , and Samsung are no longer interested in marketing the Windows ARM tablets . Thus , Microsoft being the only one that offers a Windows 8 ARM tablet by Surface 2 non pros .

Sourced :[1]. [2] WINDOWS RT
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