Google Launches Web Designer. Visual tools | Wayan Fais

Google Launches Web Designer. Visual tools

Google Launches Web Designer. Visual tools

Google recently announced the launch of a Web Designer , a new tool for building interactive HTML5 sites and advertisements . Web Designer was developed to allow advertisers to easily create HTML5 ads for mobile and desktop .
Web Designer is a visual tool , but you also can delve directly into the JavaScript and CSS to enhance different aspects of your website . Indeed , Web Designer allows you to manipulate all the code directly in the built -in editor and allows you to quickly see your creation in each browser you have installed on your machine .
Some of the more interesting , Google has developed for Web Designer includes a pen tool to draw freehand , and the time to manage your animation . Web Designer also has the ability to create 3D content using the power of CSS3 , as well as a set of pre - built components for galleries , maps and YouTube videos embedded .
For animation , one of the main features of the application , Web Developer Quick mode feature to build animated scene by scene and advanced mode that gives designers more control over every element on the page .
It should be noted that projects such as Adobe Muse , Reflow and others, including most of the features of Web Designer , also . But by creating a Web Designer is available for free , Google is putting a little pressure on the well-established in this space

Sourced : [1Web Designer
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