Amazon Teams Up HTC to design smart phone ..! | Wayan Fais

Amazon Teams Up HTC to design smart phone ..!

Amazon Teams Up HTC to design smart phone ..!

Jakarta - Rumors about Amazon smartphone has been circulating since last year . Latest news says , the giant online retailer is holding HTC to help them about the phone design matters .
Reportedly there were three smartphones that is being developed with HTC Amazon . One of the phones are in the advanced stages of development . Unfortunately , this phone will not appear until the end of this year .
Rumors previously mentioned , Amazon set up two different smartphones . One of them , will use the latest 3D interface . While other mobile phone , touted to be offered by the schemes ' free ' . However, this information is directly contradicted by Amazon .
Reported by The Verge , Wednesday ( 10/16/2013 ) , Amazon is expected to release the phone in mid- 2014. As long as the news develops , Amazon also insisted will not release the phone at least until the end of this year .
But both Amazon and HTC declined to comment on the rumors. HTC Chief of Marketing Ben Ho just say , they focus on building the brand HTC , although did not rule out co-branded or collaborate with the operator or other technology brands .

Sourced : [1]. Amazon Gandeng  HTC
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